This Week's Discoveries
A selection of wonderful things we've found and have been inspired by this week...
Another Thought
Perhaps You Can't Even Begin To Imagine...
Round the corner from the W&M workshop, Clapton-based gallery Lubomirov/Angus-Hughes is having a opening of the new exhibition Perhaps You Can't Even Begin To Imagine... tonight (13th October).
Rolina E. Blok has curated a show of a antithetic group of London artists, challenging the idea of imagination. The imagination has played a central role in human cognitive activity, in much of western thought, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. [..] During the Romanticism, it was attributed enormous powers, and was seen as underlying all forms of creativity. [..] The central aims of the exhibition is to explore some of the different conceptions of imagination that can be found in western philosophical thought and to introduce and elucidate some of the philosophical issues that arise concerning imagination and creativity.
These Islands: A Film
Finally, autumn is on it's way in and we're unwinding by watching this breathtaking short film, exploring the landscape of the British Isles, created as a visual complement to the book, These Islands.